How to Make Sticky Chai Iced Tea Cubes

Summer is on its way and that means bring on Sticky Chai Ice Tea time! Instead of a usual Iced Chai latte why not try freezing Sticky Chai and add milk, so easy and the best thing of all you can keep them in the freezer ready to be used any time of the day! What are you waiting for Chai lovers! Here is the recipe:

Serves: 2-4 people depending on strength of chai

2 1/2 cups water
2 tablespoons of Chai Spice Sticky Chai
For serving: 4-5 cups whole milk (or your choice of milk)


  1. Place two tablespoons of Chai Spice Sticky Chai and 250ml water into a saucepan
  2. Heat and bring to boil, stirring constantly. Allow a few minutes so tea brews.
  3. Using mesh strainer pour into a jug to cool down to room temperature, then pour into an ice-cube tray and freeze.
  4. To make an iced chai latte, add 2-3 ice cubes to a glass of milk (about 1/4 cup of milk per cube). The tea will get stronger the longer it sits and the more the ice cubes melt. Garnish with a dash of cinnamon, and enjoy!